My boyfriend has filled more roles in my life than I could ever have thought imaginable, but I would hate for him to be the only meaningful relationship in my life! We talk to each other about everything, but it's nice to have another friend to give you a different perspective on things, and to have someone else to spend time with. My closest friend is in Alaska and the time difference makes it tough so I am hoping that I can eventually find a relationship like that here. I am working on it in a way, but it's not really something you can work on more than putting yourself out there, kind of like a romantic relationship it's there or it isn't. I don't think it's a matter of being single or being overly dependent (in fact I would have to think that anyone who assumes it is has never been close enough with anyone outside a relationship to know better), I know plenty of happily married people of all ages, with and without children who have close friendships and people to share their lives with! Maybe not needing friends is another one of those super-duper well adjusted ex-pat things to aspire to, like not missing your family or anything remotely superficial about home the place you were unfortunately raised...?