Like others, Des is easily my fave character by 1000 miles and Des and Penny are easily my fave relationship. I did like the episode and am so glad we are finally moving the story.
BUT I really think this is where we should have been about 4 or 5 episodes into this season. And, I don't need firm confirmation on the things they have already given the clues about. I need more clues and mystery to move the pace. Like they have already set up the clues for several episodes that the realities bleed and that the Losties are aware of the alternate timeline. I don't need that tied in a bow and neatly in a my lap, when we aren't moving onto the next mystery/storyline.
This show used to be so much more about clues and leaving the viewer to expand that in their head. You know just enough to go in a couple of different directions -- and that was the fun. Now it just seems like it is slow and the writers are literally "hey, did you understand that storyline are you ready to move to the next story." It is clunky. And it has dumbed down. This isn't why I love the show.
But I am glad to know, in any reality, Des and Penny luuuuuuv each other.