Ha! they are soulless.
Ain't that the truth! I practiced maneuvers for the first time today. After my instructor explained the left hand reverse, I asked when would I ever do such a ridiculous thing? Well, never, but it shows you can control the vehicle. And there are a million ways to fail it. Look backwards. Look forwards. Look side to side. Stop when a car approaches. Stop when a pedestrian is in the area. Why not just pull into a driveway and reverse out and get on with life instead of executing a pointless maneuver?
If you don't check your right blind spot you will fail. I can't see anything in my right blind spot, so why bother? Doesn't matter. Do it or fail.
My lesson today was incredibly aggravating. I don't know if it's my instructor or if I just need more lessons. Two hours a week ain't gonna cut it. I'll never pass at this rate.
Good luck to everyone else! Especially Jamie on your test Weds!