We get the TV shows we deserve. All of this modern reality stuff started around 2000 with Big Brother and Survivor. Pop Idol/American Idol added the talent/reality show to the genre a couple of years later. Producers & networks like reality shows because they're way cheaper to make than dramas or sitcoms (remember when the entire cast of Friends asked for $1 millon per episode? The top 24 on American Idol get about $1000 per episode. Producers can do math, too). The number of reality/competition shows exploded throughout the decade, and has continued to do so. (As an aside, how many cooking competition shows can the UK put on TV before that's all there is?)
One of the conventions of the talent/competition show is the contestant who has no talent, no chance to win, and no self-awareness. There are a couple of different versions of this character, ranging from the lunatic who rants at the judges and the cameras before stomping out of the building, to the socially inept mumbler who listens politely to the judges scorn, says "Thank you," and wanders off.
The producers of Pop Idol/American Idol discovered early on that audiences were tuning in as much, if not more, for the bad auditions as they were for the good, and the weirder the contestant was - the funnier looking, the more overweight, the more socially inept (and if possible all of the above) - the better. How cringe-inducing is it to watch the bad auditions, sitting on your couch at home when the weirdo walks into the room and you just know they're going to be bad and Simon Cowell is going to let them have it?
Britain's Got Talent/America's Got Talent take that one step further and put the auditions on stage in front of an audience, so not only do the talentless get humiliated on national television, they also get humiliated in front of a live audience on national television. So much more cringe-worthy!
So, yeah, it's too bad that it's come to the point where televised entertainment consists mainly of publically poking unpretty people on TV with a stick, and it's nice that the kind of weird-looking lady on TV can sing, but let's admit that it's come to this because we've told TV producers through our viewing habits that poking people with a stick is exactly what we want to watch.
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