I thought I start a thread about the different social/economical/etc changes you had to readapt to when moving back stateside.
My biggest ones were/are:
- Firstly, the drinking culture in the states really is poor compare to the UK, I used to have so much fun going out with workmates for a drink and now... I never have been more bored than the few times co-workers wanted to go out after work.
- Also... no one buys rounds, I am sooo used to buying a round or buying lunch and they pick up the next one. Once I told a friend here stateside that I would get lunch and he throught it was a come on... big time. Totally the wrong impression.
- Grocery stores and fridges. I was at the point where I do a shop twice a week, lots of fresh stuff and tucked it in my small fridge. Now... I go visit my parents and they shop twice a month, put it in a fridge you can get lost in and then throw endless amounts of food away when it spoils

- I miss the little triangle sandwich packs on my lunch hour, I would kill for a Boots shapers sandwich. Why can't we get decent takeway lunches in Pennsylvania.