Anyone changed their mind about moving back to the US because of the current state of the economy? The unemployment rate is really bothering me. I think the next great depression is on the horizon.
Not so much changing our minds as taking it much slower due to the economy.
There are only two reasons we're considering moving to start with - I'd like to be closer to my kids and DH would like to live in the US! But, considering we're middle aged and have no money, we do have to think this through. I also makes a difference, as someone else said, the part of the US one is thinking about, IMO. We're thinking small city Wisconsin (is there any other kind of city in Wisconsin??) and, even though my DH is a nurse, there aren't that many opportunities for his 'ideal' nursing job to come up even in a good economy. I work in immigration law - the British kind - so a move would mean I'd have to think about a new career - again!
There's no way we can move without having jobs in the bag, and I think that's going to be a bit of a juggling act, but we'll have to decide when the time is right to start the visa process and then, hopefully as things improve, at least one of us can start putting out jobs feelers.
My daughter is holding off setting a wedding date, waiting on us, but ideally would like to get married in August. She'd love it if we could be back at least a couple of months before that - she wants my in person input on wedding planning - but we're going back at least for a visit for the wedding... it would be nice if we could make the move shortly before the wedding but I just don't see it happening.