I'm not sure I quite get the problem. Is it that you think they're being cheeky because you're American?
I have been over here for close to 15 years and the problem is with me. I am so tired of hearing this and other American sayings from someone with a British accent. Its just me..with the problem..but I am looking for cheeky-funny come-back lines to say when I leave in a fake British accent. Most know me and always say the same things..like,'You All Come on Back', 'You All Have A Nice Day','In A Coon's Age', 'Cup Of Joe','High Five','God bless the USA, so large,So friendly, and so rich','The national dish of America is menus','Just what is it that America stands for'?,'Wake Up America','Shoot Low Sheriff'!,'Thats the Cowboy Way'!!!,'That put a quiver in my liver','It came a gullywusher','She jumped on that like a duck on a June bug','down the road apiece','Well, I declare'! and other American phrases! People hear my American accent and seem to think they can do a good 'American accent phrase'. Don't get me wrong..over the years..I have laughed and gone on...but lately its getting to me and I am just looking for good come-back lines to say that are rather cheeky..funny. I am hearing all the American phrases and just a wanabee Britain with a British accent. Sorry for whinging..but its gotten to me lately.