DH and I are flying to the US in January and as the trip gets closer he's getting more and more anxious about the flight. He's never flown to the US before, which is making it harder since I'm overflowing with excitement about him finally meeting all of my siblings and grandmother and seeing where I grew up, but whenever I mention it to him it just makes his stomach churn. He's gone on short flights before from the UK to Germany and Hungary, but even those made him nervous and he only did them because they were absolutely necessary.
We're flying from Heathrow to Newark on Virgin, which I've heard is the best airline for leg room and overall comfort. I was thinking he could check the in-flight entertainment and hopefully it'll have loads of episodes of CSI or the Bourne films or something else distracting, and if not he could take some sleeping pills or some medicine to relax him. I'm not too concerned about how tired he gets since I'll be alert to make sure we don't miss anything.
I think his main concerns are the length of the flight, flying over the ocean, and flying in general, oh, and of hitting turbulence. Has anyone used any medicine for flying that they could recommend, or have any other advice that might make it easier for him?