I have probably gone more left-libertarian/anarcho-socialist. I think this has more to do with being an immigrant than being in the UK.
I have become more critical in my opinion of Israel. During the last conflict, I remember watching the newcasts online for MSNBC, CNN, and Democracy Now!, and only DN! came close to the coverage we saw here. It was a bit shocking to see the difference. It's no wonder that we sort of form the viewpoints we do in the States regarding Israel. I think they have a right to exist (although now I think it probably wasn't the best idea to see the creation of Israel as a solution to the attempted genocide), but the whole "do no wrong" thing that we have in the media in regards to them in the States really needs to be addressed.
From my early teenage years I was always pretty leftist. I don't really find the UK to be all that more left leaning than the States, but I grew up and lived in the Northeast. Sure, there are very conservative people there, and the more rural you are, the more likely the people are more conservative. But I don't think that's different than here. I think if I lived in the Bible Belt, I'd definitely see the difference.
I also think that the political crazies here are scarier than the political crazies back in the US (of any political flavour) because they seem more likely to act on their extremism. Just my opinion though, and I am definitely not saying that people don't do stupid, violent, hurtful things based on wacky ideologies back in the US either.