I really like the idea of breaking down alcoholic beverages in units, but I think using the word 'binge' for 4-5 drinks in a session is a mistake.
I'm not going over to dictionary.com for an exact definition, but I believe it's safe the say that the word has connotations with lacking of control or excessive and dangerous behavior.
They (whoever they are)
should have chosen another more neutral word. It makes me suspect that they chose 'binge' FOR its negative associations, in order to associate excess with danger. (my opinion, of course) Obviously, a person who has a few glasses of wine with a meal isn't in danger of being a 'binger'. I wouldn't even say that a person who has a few glasses of wine daily is 'binging' either - but they are of course putting a stress on their body that could put them at risk for health problems.
The reason I like the unit designation is because it makes me think of all alcohol in the same way - whereas before a 'lovely glass of wine' or 'refreshing beer' seemed much more benign than a 'stiff drink'. And before 'a few beers a couple of times a week' seemed rather harmless as opposed to a daily or weekly tally that can stop to make me think.
Mostly, I think that the units and limit definitions aren't meant to deter the occassional drinker, they are meant for the hardcore drinkers and especially to educate young people, that alcohol in all forms has the same effect on the body.