We heard about a liquor store in Owensboro, KY, which is just across the river from us, that sells Sam Smith's. So, off we went. Not only do they have three kinds of Sam Smith's, including the Nut Brown Ale that I truly adore, but we also got some Wells Banana Bread Beer, which I have missed terribly. Then, we saw some Hobgoblin
![Smitten [smiley=smitten.gif]](https://www.talk.uk-yankee.com/Smileys/classic/smitten.gif)
and I was so happy I nearly cried.

We ended up spending $51 on 18 bottles, but tis the season AND it is our anniversary. They do a 'build your own 6 pack' and the price depends on each individual bottle from their single serve case.
These days we are into sipping and savoring, so they will last a while.
We've been doing that with a lot of Sam Adams beers lately, including the Winter collection that has White Christmas, Chocolate Bock, Winter Lager (my fave by far), Old Fezziwig Ale and Holiday Porter.
Leinenkugel’s Snowdrift Vanilla Porter is another one we have enjoyed recently. For all our worries we were going to be without good beer when we came back, we have found quite a few great ones so far. Now that we have found this new place, we are overjoyed! We've also asked them to see if they can get Fuller's beers.