Currently enjoying Sam Adams' Otoberfest and Blue Moon's Harvest Pumpkin Ale. The Blue Moon box is a sampler pack. So far I have had the Pumpkin one and the Caramel Apple Spiced Ale. I was really looking forward to the Caramel Apple one, but it is bland, and quite disappointing. It is almost tasteless, and I don't get any sort of caramel, apple or spice to it. I forget what the other two in the box are, and am currently too lazy to get up.
With being in a new town two hours from where we were, we are getting a different set of local(ish) craft breweries to try. We're finding beer in the liquor stores we couldn't get before.
It is odd, I don't care for mass produced American beer, so before moving to England I stuck to import beer - English and otherwise - but now that I am back, I seem to notice just how many great American beers there are. Of course, they are all from small companies who will never get the big recognition they deserve. Then again, if they were mass produced they would lose the TLC that makes them what they are.