Back yesterday from a short trip to the US for my father-in-law's funeral, all went well. Not a trip to hunt down beer but had a few!
We were in NJ and DW spotted a liquor store that was advertising craft beers, so I went in and picked up a 6 pack of Flying Fish Red Fish ale. 7% and very nice and quite hoppy, not sure that my step-daughter's boyfriend thought so though, he was polite saying it was tasty but from his face you could tell he was struggling with it!
After the funeral was over, DW and I, her daughter and boyfriend, and her sister and brother in law, went to a local bar that I'd been to a couple of times with FiL, they had Sam Adams Summer Ale, for me it was too cold, not helped by them serving in a frosted glass from the freezer! But it was nice, had it before.
Then on our last night we went to a bar to meet up with a friend, when we'd been before it had Sam Adams on tap but no longer, so a couple of pints of Yuengling before I was tempted by the bottles in the fridge and had a Yard's (Philadelphia) IPA, the British flag on the label was a giveaway that this was a British style IPA, very tasty, not overly hoppy, and very deceptive at 7% because it didn't taste strong!
Oh and our hosts (parents of DW's old friend) bought it some beer for my arrival, Guinness! Well it's better than many things but it's funny how they think I want a beer I easily get at home, and I didn't have the heart to say it wasn't British anyway! I like Guinness and rather that than one of the Millers they had in the fridge!