How would saying I'm there for tourism and shopping, which I do while I'm there, or him saying he's using NYC as a base to travel around the east coast, which is true, be a lie? How would that affect me getting a visa in another year? They don't type in responses when you enter a country. I don't even think that things are tracked well as my prior experiences of almost not getting in didn't come up the last time I visited. On top of that, there is a notation in my passport from the IO when I almost didn't get in that wasn't remarked on. He didn't give me the typical 6 months, but instead only to the date that I had a ticket to fly home with. I, of course, left the day my ticket was for and had intended to all along so I didn’t care. This could be due to my passport have three extra page inserts and being really full of stamps and visas, the IO just couldn’t be bothered to look through it all.
Also, I never lied to the IO. I put down the bf’s address, the IO asked whose house it was and I replied that it was my bf's. I guess the only lie is that it isn't my bf's house, it belongs to his mom. Which is what my bf told the IO when he called him, and the IO commented on that. I'm sorry I wasn't clear before, I'm getting mixed up with another time, prior to meeting the bf, that I had problems getting into the UK when I was going to visit friends and that caused a problem. When they asked why I was there and responded to visit friends the IO gave me a hard time. Both IO's referred to my Bunac visa from 2003 as part of the problem, as well as the fact that I was in the process of what turned into a 20 month trip around the world, and therefore didn't have a job.
I'm sorry to get so passionate, but this is ridiculous. I came here for help and had really hoped that this could be a board that I could use for support and advice over the next year while I prepare to move. I’ve been reading posts for a few weeks now and this is really an incredible source of info and entertainment. Instead I feel like I’ve been called a liar and have been given added and invalid reasons about my life being more difficult in a year when I’m applying for a visa. If my life is more difficult later on down the road I would think it would be because when I was in the UK with my Bunac visa I didn’t bother to get an NI number, not because I told an IO that I was there for tourism, when in fact, I did behave like a tourist.