I definitely don't have a different accent. I studied as an actor and have excellent diction and pronunciation. (And they do train out vocal fry but that story is great!)
Found out when the bartender he said it to reported it to me (I was he manager that day). I had asked if she was ok because she looked super upset. I was 50% glad it wasn't about one of my staff and 50% about to cry.
That really sucks.
I was working with a girl I thought might be American, but I didn't work directly with her so I didn't ask.
Someone else (a manager) brought up that she was Canadian and I said I had almost asked her if she was American. The manager said something like 'oh, good thing you didn't... that wouldn't be a good thing to ask'.
He didn't realise I was American and he basically suggested I'd have insulted her if I'd asked if she was American.... which in turn was an insult to me.
I (stupidly) just said 'I'm American' because I didn't know what else to say. Cringe.
It was super awkward after that whenever he and the other supervisors were around (I'm guessing he told them all), but luckily it was only a short contract. It was actually made a few days shorter than originally planned and I still wonder if that had something to do with it. The rest of the job and everyone else I worked with there was great!