My husband spent a lot of time this weekend in the garage. Trying to tidy and find Mr. Mouse's favorite spots. He also made a few homemade traps using YouTube. Peanut butter was purchased. No luck. He kept insisting he could smell mouse in the kitchen but I couldn't smell anything (and I have a pretty good nose).
Well, last night, I was getting dinner out of the fridge and I caught the odor. Bent down and sure enough, two small mouse droppings in front of the fridge on the floor. Horrible feeling to discover that. Obviously Mr. Mouse has been feasting on cat food.
Husband gets home and moves the fridge. THE HORROR. It really upsets me. This is my home. Ugh.
Anyways, husband clears up everything disinfects the area really good. We moved the cat food into another room and set traps in the kitchen.
This morning, we had caught a mouse! And he's happily running free in a big field now. Traps are still set. Hoping and praying it was a lone wolf, but I suspect he isn't the only one. UGH.
I want my house to be rodent free!!!!!