Is this real life?!? I thought our arrow shenanigans was bad...but that’s BAD.
Oh yeah, at around 10pm they congregated down there, kids playing football, adults drinking, laughing. Around midnight I became aware of the smell of smoke, so looked out the window and they had either a barbecue or a chimenea fired up, and having a grand old time down there. No regard for people who would be trying to sleep at that time of night. Last time I looked it was just after 1am and they were still out there with the fire going, laughing and talking loud, so I stuck the earplugs in and went back to bed.
This morning around 10 am I smelled smoke again, and looked out the window and there was a huge fire, and they were out there in dressing gowns throwing CUPS of water (!!!) at it. Fire brigade turned up eventually and sorted it.
I am inexplicably furious.
I mean, much more enraged than I should be.