So puking in a taxi is okay
Errrrrmmmmm... I think this is frowned upon, generally.

I do think the refusal to take a cat in a carrier is utterly ridiculous, though... what is the reason they give for that?
I remember the bad old days in London before I had a car, I went to the vets to pick up my greyhound who had just been castrated and was still a bit wobbly from the anaesthetic. On the way back, with the dog, I couldn't get a taxi to take me, and 3 or 4 buses refused to let us on as well. OK, I understand... big dog, etc.. but could nobody see we were struggling? I finally managed to get on a bus with him, but it took ages, and in the pissing rain in the dead of winter, it wasn't fun.
After that nightmare, I decided fck this, I'm getting a car!