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Topic: Should you totally give up American foods?  (Read 9846 times)

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Re: Should you totally give up American foods?
« Reply #60 on: June 28, 2011, 10:28:14 AM »
I think my husband would divorce me if I stopped by American ways of cooking. whether it be Mexican from Texas or the Big Ol BBQ Brisket with proper Rudy's BBQ sauce.  Oh and pumpkin pie! 
The kids? Oh man if they didn't get Willy wonka candy bar for holidays (they didnt even know it was a real type of candy till me) they would be so upset.

I don't give up all my comforts of the US but I do integrate where ever I go and that means rolling with the punches.  Creating new foods from old and new products.
I know CB created a queso from ingredients here and she is British and the recipe was fabulous!

So no, I am not giving anything completely up or I feel I would never be true to who I am.  I am not on vacation - I am living.

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Re: Should you totally give up American foods?
« Reply #61 on: June 28, 2011, 10:42:08 AM »
Hamburger recipe is DEAD easy.

500g of 20/80 Minced beef (fat is always the key to a good burger)
2 heavy tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce (or Hendersons if you live in Sheffield;))
Small teaspoon of garlic powder
Salt & Pepper for taste (I use sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper)

Take meat out of packaging and put in a mixing bowl. Add all of the above and mix gently. Let rest in the fridge for about 30 mins to an hour before cooking to let marinate.

Take a handful of meat and turn into a large meatball and set on plate

Put on hot BBQ, squish down to make flat and cook to your liking (about 2-3 mins on each side). I cant remember the last time I made them on the stove, to give timings for that.

I am also known for several things, my awesome hamburgers, and my BBQ'ing in the rain, in my pajamas...I bought a little hamburger press from Lakeland and believe it or not, it helps me to make my brilliant hamburgers, and they really really keep their shape when cooking, and they don't balloon up. 
I bought it on a whim and never thought I would use it as much as I do. Anyway, I buy good quality mince, and add glug of thai chili sauce to it, salt & pepper. cook on the grill side of my BBQ for about 3 minutes on each side, serve with a sesame bun from Morrisons, lettuce, tomato, ketchup & mayo. Our favourite Friday night dinner!

Kerri...are you a Long Island girl???

I think to say that people who crave American food aren't happy with their lives here is a crock of poo. I have been here since 1993, permanently since 1999 and I never dreamed I could be as happy as I am, or have as many wonderful friends as I do, and have such AMAZING children as I do...one of whom is very little and very giggly and wants to climb all over me...anyway, I am very very happy here, but sometimes I crave something that I never ever ate all the years I lived in the states (ie Hidden Valley Ranch Salad Dressing) but I do crave it!

Also, sorry for the long post. Sometimes my friends ask me to make something American to bring along to a party, and they always ask me to make what is now known as my speciality. I never ever ate this when I was living in America...but I made this Artichoke Dip once years ago, and now have to make it for every BBQ, Dinner Party...my British friends freaking love it! Go figure!

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Re: Should you totally give up American foods?
« Reply #63 on: June 28, 2011, 10:43:48 AM »
ChillyWilly...will you share your BBQ brisket recipe with me please!!

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Re: Should you totally give up American foods?
« Reply #65 on: June 28, 2011, 10:46:48 AM »
Born and Breed. Grew up in Suffolk county.. You too???
I am indeed, South Shore Nassau. Spent what seemed like an eternity in Merrick. Couldn't leave soon enough, but strangely love it when I go home. I am back home once my son breaks up from school. There are a handful of Long Island girls on this forum. We rule the school. Lol.

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Re: Should you totally give up American foods?
« Reply #66 on: June 28, 2011, 11:03:57 AM »
It's always nice to say you're just going to dive in and embrace the food here, and generally it's a good mentality to have.

But the reality of the situation is that the first grocery shopping trip after the move (maybe the first several even), can be an absolute nightmare.  You don't know where/what everything is, and it can be entirely overwhelming and even disheartening.  Yes, something as silly as food shopping can be disheartening.  It's times like that when I would throw a bag of Doritos into the cart just to make me feel better.  I barely ate Doritos in the US!

Of course, I've adjusted now, and I the fact of the matter is that I've essentially learned to cook and bake in the past nearly 2 years that I've been here.  I think I would be lost going back to the US and trying to cook, because I didn't do much of it there. 

I'd say that's assimilating pretty well and doesn't mean I don't want a big honking burrito the size of a baby from Chipotle sometimes, or a sub from the deli in my hometown, or pine miserably for a dang Pumpkin Ale every Fall.

Also, one of the greatest mis-conceptions about Europe is that the food is just better.  Sure, you get a lot of great stuff here and much of it can be different and exciting compared to what you're used to.  But for as much awesome, locally sourced, fresh, blah blah blah that you can have, there is just as much processed garbage as there is in the US.  Every supermarket has an entire aisle devoted to soda and an entire aisle devoted to potato chips.  It doesn't matter where you are, it comes down to the individual and the choices he/she makes about what's going into his/her mouth.

Okay, that was a completely random and incoherent rant!  ;D  Disregard!
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Re: Should you totally give up American foods?
« Reply #67 on: June 28, 2011, 11:17:01 AM »
This is a little bit off topic, but I am totally willing to try these homemade hamburgers of Kerri's in order to spread their renown :D Yay Sheffield!

Back on topic, I have a list on my laptop of Every. Single. Thing. That I have gone "OOoooh I fancy X right now!" And not been able to find (let me tell you, pregnancy was kind of rough). My mom/brother are visiting in August and although I have a huge list of things that would be nice to have I've only asked them to bring two things over.

I definitely agree that living in a different country is a whole different experience to visiting for a holiday, and I'm sure that even now I go weeks at a time without having anything particularly "American," but every once in a while it is nice to have something homey.

The best thing about it, to me, is that if I want pierogies (for example), I can't just pull a bag out of the freezer section. I have to learn how to make them properly which will be good for my cooking in the future, not to mention probably more healthy.

Yes, something as silly as food shopping can be disheartening.  It's times like that when I would throw a bag of Doritos into the cart just to make me feel better.  I barely ate Doritos in the US!

I completely agree with this too! I think I ate more McDonalds in the first few months here than I did in Yeeeeeears at home. And even then, it's not quite the same.

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Re: Should you totally give up American foods?
« Reply #68 on: June 28, 2011, 11:40:19 AM »
CW- I have a bottle of A1 I'll part with if you promise to bring me back one when you come back from the states in August.  ;)
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Re: Should you totally give up American foods?
« Reply #69 on: June 28, 2011, 11:59:20 AM »
What about "American Food" made from locally sourced ingredients?   ;D

I think Mr. K would be absolutely despondent if I stopped making meatloaf or pumpkin pie!

So would I (if Mrs Tykeman stopped making it)

Plus our friends and family love our 4th July BBQ.....first year she made pulled pork, last year she said to me she wasn't going to make it and then one friend when we invited them said "oh yes, looking forward to that pulled pork" so she makes it every year.

If we were to move to the US, i'd want some English foods I'm sure.
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Re: Should you totally give up American foods?
« Reply #70 on: June 28, 2011, 12:01:34 PM »
I don't have time to go with a fine tooth comb and get out every possible post that might belong elsewhere so if you posted a food find one would you be so kind as to repost in the correct thread?  Also next time this goes wacky please use the report to mod.  I don't always have time to view each thread to make sure it stays on topic!  Thanks to those who made an effort to bring the thread back around!
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Re: Should you totally give up American foods?
« Reply #71 on: June 28, 2011, 12:08:41 PM »
CW- I have a bottle of A1 I'll part with if you promise to bring me back one when you come back from the states in August.  ;)
lol We still have half a bottle so we are good to go....I know TK Maxx has it and it was NOT that expensive! Just better then bringing back liquid in a suitcase.
ChillyWilly...will you share your BBQ brisket recipe with me please!!
Of course! You need liquid smoke but its like 4 quid in amazon.co.uk
****BBQ beef brisket****
5-7 pound brisket
450F degrees oven Brown for 30 minutes

Combined and boil
2cups ketchup
2tsp chili powder
3tbsp liquid smoke
2tsp salt
1/2cup Worcestershire sauce
1/2 cup lemon juice
2tsp celery salt
2cups water

Pour over browned meat
Cover and bake at 300 degrees 3-4 hours
*it will make lots of spicy sauce so save some for after it cooks!
« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 12:53:14 PM by ChillyWilly »

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Re: Should you totally give up American foods?
« Reply #72 on: June 28, 2011, 12:26:30 PM »
I am indeed, South Shore Nassau. Spent what seemed like an eternity in Merrick. Couldn't leave soon enough, but strangely love it when I go home. I am back home once my son breaks up from school. There are a handful of Long Island girls on this forum. We rule the school. Lol.

West Babylon, here - so not too far. Only 15 or so mins on the LIRR.. Spent a lot of time as my Moms best friend (and the reason why she moved to the States) lived in Valley Stream.

SMALL world. I think Ive met (either online or in person) more Long Islanders here than I ever did when I moved around in the US

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Re: Should you totally give up American foods?
« Reply #73 on: June 28, 2011, 12:27:13 PM »
Scrapple is nasty and I am PA Dutch from three and 1/2 grandparents.  Ewwwww.  Also A-1 Sauce is gross.  Now with that out of the way.

You can buy pierogies in the freezer here, but if you want "American" ones they are pierogi Ruski.  

Thank GOD for all those Polish immigrants.

I get requests for pumpkin pie and for my two types of cranberry sauce (well, a sauce and a relish).  

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Re: Should you totally give up American foods?
« Reply #74 on: June 28, 2011, 12:33:29 PM »
I'm going to throw my hat into the ring (so to speak) and give my opinion on this...

Please don't take offense anyone- but I'm going to start by saying that some of this rings of my least favourite game: "Who's a better ex-pat?"  

Everyone copes differently with an international move and some of us (read:me!) miss Triscuits and Velveeta and all sorts of other less than healthy foods. Some of us bring back craft supplies, Bath and Body Works soaps (my future In-laws would be SOOO mad at me if I didn't bring these back for them), electronics or clothes from Old Navy.  Bringing stuff back, missing food or drink or watching Judge Judy when you feel a bit homesick doesn't make you a better or worse ex-pat- it simply makes you human.  

I absolutely love my life here and I'm also really thankful for the support of this community and threads like the 'where can I find..." thread.  Because, sometimes a girl just needs crumbled up saltines in a bowl of soup.
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