Met him 9 months after I moved here, got engaged after about 8 months together and, oh lets see about a month or so after that, there was no engagement.
Yes,things can really, really go too quickly, in a bad way. Looking back, that was really, really, really stupid. But hey, we 'thought we were one of those 'when you know you couples'- and maybe so, but head over heels in love can sometimes really mess with your head as well.
So we slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwed down and put the brakes on. That helped-we're still together, almost 3 years now. Don't live together still though.
But who knows where life goes though and where it will go next!!
I can really, really appreciate that so many people on this forum don't have the luxury of slowing down though, as marriage is the only way for most people to be together.