Apparently something has them upset about evidential quality and they are trying to do something about it.
About the 'whole relationship' requirement, even here in UKY we have had lots of people who used a parking strategy to improve their financial picture, and that could be a motivation for them wanting to see a bigger picture.
I don't condone parking strategies and it saddens me that people resort to them without compunction. And then brag about it on the net! But I have no sense if everyone is doing it, or just a handful.
Or they might be wanting to see if the applicant or sponsor has received income from welfare and is channeling these into a different account for the purposes of appearing to be solvent. But whatever it is *something* has them upset.
And these changes are new. Moreover, nobody was told and that's *worse* because it affects practitioners in the field.
Having said all that, I don't think it's a good idea to treat these new hurdles in a cavalier way. Even for Americans.