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Topic: The Burning Questions  (Read 3098 times)

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The Burning Questions
« on: September 23, 2004, 02:20:14 PM »
And, inquiring minds need to know.  Since I am tired of - and too anxious to wait anymore - for Missy (Dodgy Lil Minx) to answer me (I figure she's busy enjoying the fact that she got back here with no hitches and is enjoying her husband, and that's wonderful....but, be that as it may, I need concrete info here, and I need it soon since I have to leave in a little over a month), I will ask my questions here.

~~sigh~~ Due to lack of funds :( I am not going to be able to apply in person for my visa in NY like I so desperately wish I could, so I am going to have to do it through the mail (fed ex, whatever) - and hope and pray.  I have to return to the States on October 27th - without my husband :\\\'( :\\\'( :\\\'( - back to nasty ol' Florida, and do things through the post (which is what Missy did, which is why I wanted to talk to her....anyway....).  Since my return is imminent and soon I need these questions answered and taken care of ASAP so that I can gather everything I need while I'm here and have everything all ready to go when I get back to the States.  Then, hopefully, I'll get back HERE all the sooner (that's the happy thought I'm trying to hold anyway).

Ok, so....exactly what do I need to send in?  First off, I'll have my marriage certificate, my passport, my husband's passport (or certified copy thereof), his bank statements, and our lease agreement.  Now, question numero uno, since I'll have the lease, which does have my name on it, do I still need to get a letter of permission from the letting agent?

Now, question number two, I don't have a bank account (and, haven't had a job for two years), therefore, I have no bank statements.  Is this a problem and, if so, what can I do about it?

My husband is going to get a letter from his boss.  Question number three, what needs to be in that letter?

Question number four:  the letter of intent that my husband is to write, what - specifically - needs to be in that letter?

I have been asked by family members here (his family, this is) if them writing letters as well would be of any help.  Question number five: well, would it?  His Aunt Shiela is ready to write a letter that says, "We want our Autumn back!"  I so love my new in-laws. :)

Question number six: What else - if anything - do I need to know/have? 


And, thank you.  I'm a mess over this, so all the specific help I can get is VERY appreciated.

With gratitude,

I was born in the Summer and at Night...my mother named me AUTUMN DAWN.  True story.

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Re: The Burning Questions
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2004, 02:42:53 PM »
I take it you didn't have a fiance visa when you got married, just got married on a basic entry clearance?  I'll answer your questions on that assumption, but let me know if I'm wrong.  :)

You'll need the following documents:

-Your passport
-His passport (or certified copy)
-The filled-out application form (VAF 2, available at www.ukvisas.gov.uk)
-The fee
-2 passport-sized photos (take these when you get to the US, I think the size is slightly different than the UK ones and weirdly enough, since it's a consulate in the US (they want US-style photos)
-Your lease agreement (no, if your name has been legally added to this document, you won't need a letter of permission from the letting agent.)
-Marriage certificate
-Pictures, plane ticket stubs, etc. showing that you have met (I wouldn't go overboard with this, when I applied for my fiance visa, they told me all they wanted to see was a couple of photos and maybe some phone bills showing we'd spoken often over a period of time)
-Your husband's bank statements (last 3 months) and paystubs
-A letter from your husband stating his knowledge of and support for your application, and stating that you intend to live together in the UK as husband and wife permanently.
-A letter from you saying the same thing
-The letter from his employer should give the following information:  his salary, his job description, how long he's worked for the company, and whether the position is permanent.
-If either of you have been married before, divorce certificates showing you were free to legally marry this time around

As far as your lack of bank statements go, do you have any savings?  If it's in cash, I guess you could write a letter to them stating you have 'x' amount of money.  If your husband's wage is more than enough to cover your and his outgoings, then they don't focus so much on your savings.  Do you intend to work in the UK?  It's a question on the form, and if the answer is yes, supply a copy of your resume showing your experience and qualifications.

The only type of letters from family that would help are sponsorship letters, and those basically say "We're aware of Autumn's application to settle here in the UK, we know she's not legally entitled to public funds, and are prepared to assist her financially however we can" and then they have to supply bank statements to show that they can offer said assistance.

Hope this helps, and good luck!  You'll get the visa, no sweat.  :)
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Re: The Burning Questions
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2004, 02:47:53 PM »
Hi, Autumn (your wedding pics were lovey, by the way - keep meaning to post that!) I'm in a very slightly different situation from yours in that I'm applying for FLR (M) after we're married, so I'm doing it from here. HOWEVER, I am gathering many of the same documents for my application....

I'm taking a letter from my df's employer stating his salary, how long he's been with the company, and who can be contacted in case of questions.

I have a UK bank account, but it's essentially empty as is my US one thanks to my wedding. I'm taking my df's bank statements and payslips from the past three to four months. Even though I'm now working at a crappy little part-time job, I'm also going to take copies of my CV to prove that I am in fact employable. Basically what you've got the burden of proving is that you two can support yourselves without access to public funds. So the more proof you can supply of money and employability, the better....

I'm just taking our lease - both of our names are on it, and it seems to me that as long as you've got the signature page, that's all that should be needed from the rental company. That's all that they copied on my NIN interview - the signature page - and I didn't have any other letter then either....

On the FLR (M) application there is a place to specify if anyone else supplies you with money on a regular basis and asks for letters from them. My guess is that that is the only time you might need letters from other people....

I believe you also need passport-style photos - two of you and one of your spouse.

I hope some of that helps.... Like I said, our situations are a bit different, but many of the rules and regulations seem to overlap....

Good luck!

Re: The Burning Questions
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2004, 06:07:13 PM »
Just a thought here, Autumn, but is there any way you could gather all your info up and Fed Ex it to the NY office BEFORE you fly back?  I'm just thinking this would give the whole process a head start and cut down on the waiting time. 

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Re: The Burning Questions
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2004, 08:22:22 AM »
Are there any flights on Air Tran in your area?  I know that we could fly from Atlanta or Raleigh to NYC for $98.  Maybe there's an ultra-cheap flight and you could just head up to NYC for a day to get your visa?

Otherwise, I suggest what Elle did--get your application to them ASAP to cut down your waiting time.  (But not too early...it'll look weird if you apply now and aren't in the US for the next month...they might think you're trying to apply from the UK.)

Also, click on the link to my site for an overview of what I took to my spousal visa interview.

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Re: The Burning Questions
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2004, 11:52:48 AM »
Otherwise, I suggest what Elle did--get your application to them ASAP to cut down your waiting time.  (But not too early...it'll look weird if you apply now and aren't in the US for the next month...they might think you're trying to apply from the UK.)

Thank you for all the information, Everyone.  This is seeming to me to be the best option yet - since they would have to be giving away free trips to NY for me to be able to go.  The only thing that made me hesitant was what you said, Lola - about it looking weird to them and them thinking I was trying to apply from the UK, because wouldn't they look at the postmark (or whatever FedEX puts on the package) and see where all my stuff came from?  Also, since I need my passport to fly back to Florida where I came from, I can't just send it off...  So, any suggestions now?  I would love to be able to get a headstart and possibly then just turn around and come back...that would be great.  I suppose I would just need a certified copy of my passport, right?  Anyone know how I would go about getting that here?
I was born in the Summer and at Night...my mother named me AUTUMN DAWN.  True story.

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Re: The Burning Questions
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2004, 12:01:43 PM »
yes a certified copy would work...and could you possibly fed ex to family in florida..and have them fed ex..yes I know it is kinda cheating...but might avoid raised eyebrows
I believe you can get certified copies at your bank..but not sure.


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Re: The Burning Questions
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2004, 12:42:04 PM »
I thought that you could only send in certified copies of your spouse's passport but that the consulate needs to have your passport in order to put the stamp/visa into it?


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Re: The Burning Questions
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2004, 03:04:40 PM »
yes a certified copy would work...and could you possibly fed ex to family in florida..and have them fed ex..yes I know it is kinda cheating...but might avoid raised eyebrows
I believe you can get certified copies at your bank..but not sure.


I wouldn't recommend this at all.  What if they need to contact you to clarify some information, and find out you're still in the UK?  That could invalidate your whole application, as it's an *entry clearance* you're applying for.  And no, a certified copy of your passport won't work, because, like tanis said, tehy have to be able to attach the visa to your passport.

It's only a 2-3 week wait to get your visa, I'd say don't take any chances and just mail the application when you arrive in the States.  Get as much info together now, hell, fill out the form too, and then mail that sucker as soon as you get to the States.  :)
"I will do this.  Nothing in my life matters except this.  I am born in this moment, and if I fail, I will die in this moment."  -Raistlin Majere

Re: The Burning Questions
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2004, 06:56:06 PM »
I wouldn't recommend this at all.  What if they need to contact you to clarify some information, and find out you're still in the UK? 

Or do some checking and realize that you entered the UK on x date and haven't left yet? I'm a bit of a chicken, but I don't think I'd do it either....

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Re: The Burning Questions
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2004, 02:22:25 PM »
 [smiley=bigcry.gif] ~~sigh~~  I'm REALLY torn up about this now.  Yeah, I figure that maybe it wouldn't be too wise to try to do ANYTHING while I'm still here (other than to gather the documents I need).  I'm so stressed out and now torn about whether I should try applying via Fed EX OR just wait until my husband and I could go in person to the consulate....the bad thing about this, however, means that I would not be with him for almost 2 months.  He has no holiday time to get away from work until Christmas. :(   If I apply by mail and get it (the visa, that is, of course), I could be back here before December.  If I wait, I wouldn't get to see (or be with) my husband until Christmas Eve.  This all really sucks; I'm at my wits end and wondering if I am losing my mind at this point.   :\\\'( :\\\'( :\\\'( :\\\'( :\\\'(
I was born in the Summer and at Night...my mother named me AUTUMN DAWN.  True story.

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Re: The Burning Questions
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2004, 03:14:50 PM »
I'm sorry you're so torn up about this.  But what were your original plans for getting the spousal visa?  You knew you'd have to be apart at some point.....so go ahead and get it over with!  I know it'll be really hard and and will suuuuuuuuck, but the sooner it's over, the better!

I'm now in agreement with those who said you shouldn't FEDEX the stuff over.  I hadn't even thought of their needing your passport (duh!  ::) ), so that kind of makes it impossible anyway.

I'd say you should spend the next couple of weeks getting your paperwork together and head on over to the US.  Put that baby in the post the MINUTE you touch down.  Your wait should only be a couple of weeks and you could conceivably be back here by mid to late November.  You'll be able to start the New Year with your visa and the ability to work (if you want to).
« Last Edit: September 27, 2004, 06:12:24 PM by lolabola »

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Re: The Burning Questions
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2004, 07:06:16 AM »
Most large airports have a FedEx depot right there, if you get in during business hours, you can slap that baby on their counter and have it going out that day. I'll have to do my application through the post as well, but since most people say it only takes three weeks at the most, I'm not too stressed out (plus I'm staying here in Hawai'i until January anyway, last time to spend the holidays with the family - get to spend all the others of my life with the husband). I can imagine how hard it must be to wait during the application process, but like Lola said... get it done now and it'll be OVER WITH and you get your entire life to spend with your hubby. I betcha you'll be back before Christmas if you go home soon with your packet completed and without any hiccups.

Best of luck!

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Re: The Burning Questions
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2004, 10:53:19 PM »
HI Autumn,
I'll be glad to send of scan of the letter of intent that my husband wrote if you would like--just let me know.
Also I don't see how you could send a certified copy of your passport--they want the real thing. I got a notarized copy of my husbands to send, but they had to have mine with the application.
Good luck & let me know if you want me to send this to you,
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Re: The Burning Questions
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2004, 02:40:07 PM »
Thank you, Bethany...that would be very nice if you could e-mail that to me.  :)

I go back and forth between being calm and being frantic...but, I guess that is normal in this situation; I just want to cover ALL my bases.

Also, here's another question to throw out at all of you.  Right now, as I have mentioned before, we are renting (I say we, but of course, I'm not paying any of the rent myself since I'm not working; that burden remains on Jamie until I get back here with my visa and am allowed to work).  However, we are sharing the house (and, therefore, the rent and expenses) with another tenant - a friend of Jamie's (who's name is also on the lease, of course...as her sister's is, too - but the sister decided NOT to move in and to remain with her boyfriend).   IS THIS A PROBLEM (not about the sister not moving in and staying with her boyfriend, of course, but the fact that there is another tenant sharing the rent and expenses here)?  And, if so, what can I do about it?

Also, we are going to ask Jamie's mum or aunt or cousin if they would be an additional sponsor (just to cover our bases and satisfy the powers that be).  Since we have proven that we can - albeit scraping by - that HE CAN SUPPORT ME (and this is without me working at all) without the use of any public funds, we really wouldn't be depending on them for any support...like I said, it's just covering our bases with immigration so as to make sure we give them NO reason to deny me my visa (which is sure to result in my suicide).  Anyway, what should their letter say and how many bank statements do they need to provide?

Thanks again for any and all help!
I was born in the Summer and at Night...my mother named me AUTUMN DAWN.  True story.

Jamie's...beyond the stars and past eternity.

EMAIL or PM me for information about gigs or about booking me (solo gig) or the band.

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