Really looking forward to this weekend... no work till Tuesday, for a start!
Today, Friday; Got my new car stereo fitted and went to Lupe Pintos. Probably going to go somewhere else for a drive with HB to blast tunes... been without music in my car for 2 weeks and it's been killing me! We'll go to the pub tonight... Pictish Alchemist ale is on in our local.
Tomorrow, HB and 7 of our friends are getting a train out to Musselburgh to go to a really good pub out there, which usually has on some Tempest, Magic Rock, and Fyne ales.
Sunday... probably just a long lie, chocolate-eating, and beer drinking.
Monday... no idea yet, but unless I get a better offer, I may need to stay in and do some housework and laundry, and then go for a couple of pints in the evening.