Hey, Meshell. Sorry you're going through this, scary stuff.
I agree that self-diagnosing is a bad idea, but god knows I did it leading up to my MS diagnosis. Thing is, I never questioned MS!
I had some similar symptoms. Numbness in my hands and feet, even my chin occasionally. Parasthesia (the kind of numbness that comes with MS) is a different kind of numb though. It's decreased sensation, but you can still feel, and you often have a greater response/intolerance to heat and/or cold. I also had extreme fatigue for a while, where I was sleeping over 12 hours a day and simply felt like I couldn't get out of bed, l'hermites - an electric shock sensation shooting down the spine when you touch your chin to your chest, optic neuritis - painful when you move your eye and it looks like there is a shadow in the centre of your vision, and probably a couple more that I'm forgetting. Those all happened in different combinations during two relapses which were over a year apart. I was feeling completely better when I went in for the results for my MRI, which is why my diagnosis was such a shock to me. The symptoms are SO different for everyone though. I know a lot of other people with MS who I don't share any symptoms with.
All the things that you mentioned are symptoms of MS, but unfortunately symptoms of MS are very similar to symptoms of lots of other conditions as well. DH's cousin has MS, and his wife was having similar symptoms. We all thought she would be diagnosed with MS, but her MRI was clear. Turned out she has fybromyalgia. There are loads of other things it could have been though. You just don't know... It's worth requesting to be referred to a neurologist though, as they all sound like neurological symptoms.
It wouldn't hurt to rule out MS, even if it turns out to be something different. Usually it is diagnosed by an MRI, looking for lesions on the brain or spinal column. (Multiple Sclerosis translates to Multiple Scars, currently thought to be caused by the immune system attacking the covering of the nerves.)
Anyway Meshell, I hope that was helpful, and I hope you get some answers soon. I know how terrifying it can be to live with symptoms like this with seemingly no cause.