My boy offered to change his name to mine if I wanted him to, I thought the whole idea of changing either of our names was ridiculous.
I didn't change my name because
1. I am Irish/Asian, it's faintly rare and I like that I keep part of that rather mixed heritage with me.
2. I don't like his surname as much as mine
3. I'm bloody lazy.
I agree with Historyenne wholeheartedly, feminism is about the right to choose to do whatever the hell you want to do without being judged for it, I've certainly not judged any of my friends who have changed their names, as long as they *wanted* to, if they didn't or felt pressured into it, then I would be supportive.
Just FYI, I've had WAY more flack in the US for not changing than the UK, no one noticed/cared that I didn't change my name in the UK, whereas my US inlaws?! Jeebus.