sonofasailor- you tend to read the worst possible view into what people write. jimbocz hadn't said that McD's was a horrible place.....yet you took it that way. Why? Why read the worst possible outcome into these comments? Why not give them the benefit of the doubt?....maybe even ask a question to clarify what you are thinking before dooming them. I read the comment from jimbocz as "come on....get a job....any job and we'll figure things out later". You read it as an insult to McD's type of workers. I don't get it.......When people were "picking on" that couple from your view we were picking on them......not in reality what we were doing....which is stating an objection to them trying to get around the rules.
Mr. Fred, I love the way you write. It always makes me stop and think. There's an openness to it.
Perhaps, upon thinking about it, I just get sort of wrankled with people who sort of promote themselves. For instance, Jimbo's recounting of his time in SF. The way I was brought up, we would have told that differently. It would have been more like:
"Hardship? Hell, I moved to San Francisco in an old VW dollars and 42 cents in my pocket. Got there and some a-hole stole all my clothes...not that they amounted to more than a bunch of tshirts and some ratty-assed jeans. I was lucky that I was wearing my coat or I would have been up shitt creek. I was fortunate that this guy who ran a hotel down by the wharf gave me a job toting people's bags, and I could cage a meal every now and then from the old cook. Damnear froze."
Or with Larissa:
"Well you know,'s tough. We had a hard time financially there for a while....I was commuting way out to Southbend from Elglin Pass. Took hours. It ended up pretty bad....but you know Jeffrey moved up a position and we were able to move a little closer and it got better. But good lord we still bicker over some stuff....but were fumbling along I guess."
So It may just be my upbringing or something. Self-depreciation was very important. It may have something to do with my religion; I am chief among sinners....a wretch really. I may do good things, perhaps more good than bad (though that is debatable), but like any human being I am capable, under certain circumstances, of terrible things. And even when I do get fleeting feelings that I have accomplished something good, I must remember that in addition to any noble characteristics on my part, my successes are due, at least partially to conditions I did not create.
But another thing, I feel like we all need to be more careful about small slights. Like with's not really the Klan roaming about burning crosses that is the problem. They are just nuts and idiots. The true evil of racism lies in the accumulation of very small slights....the minute perceptions that make a black applicant "the other" during the interview process....the giggle at a name that is perceived to be different.
And with the poor....the subtle slights of, "There's always McDonalds"....or "Well if he were trying harder...."
And like sublime racism, or sexism or ageism, the added evil is that if you react....if you call someone out for it, they can say...."Oh you're over-reacting!" or, "I was only joking!"
Again, this guy may be a lazy slob....I just don't personally feel that I can judge him like that. Or any struggling person.
I have a great darkness in my heart....and a great judgemental scorn....but I reserve it for those who hold wealth and power, and instead of using it for the betterment of mankind...use it to further seek riches and power at the expense of their fellow human being. I judge these people....they know better.