Saying "both candidates were terrible" is exactly the kind of false equivalency that got us into this mess. No, they weren't both terrible. Trump is terrible. He's a sexual predator, a failed businessman, he stiffs his employees and contractors, lies so consistently and confidently that he's lost any sense of the truth, has a hair-trigger temper, he praises dictators, he believes in authoritarianism and isolationism, he sees no value in minorities, the disabled, the poor, women who aren't beautiful, in fact the majority of people who voted for him, he probably wouldn't even consent to shake their hands. He's small-minded, petty, vindictive, exclusionary, self-aggrandising, with a short attention span and no interest in anyone other than himself.
Clinton is a politician, and as such she is more guarded than the average person and is skilled in bending the truth to suit her. She has said things that aren't true, but she is nowhere near Trump's level when it comes to lying. The FBI has investigated her time and again and has never found anything actionable. She's no more corrupt than anyone who acts in their own self-interest. She's a lifelong public servant with policymaking and diplomatic experience and loads of ideas for how to make the country better. She's a role model to a lot of women and girls. You may not agree with her policies, you may not like her as a person, you may not like how dodgy politicians all are, but that does not in any way make Clinton as bad, or even close to as bad, as Trump.
Saying that they're each as bad as the other is lazy thinking. Just like screaming "misandry" whenever any woman gets uppity and challenges white male hegemony.