Not sure if there is a thread like this here, I did take a quick scan and didn't see one.
If there is would someone please let me know? Sorry in advance!
Soft pretzels
Maruchan Ramen (I know the stuff is horrible but good god it is good every once in a while)
Kraft Mac & Cheese
They just opened an Auntie Anne's in Cov city centre too; I can't wait to go!
I bought a case of Maruchan chicken ramen for my son off Amazon, but from the American Food Store in London, for £1 a package. More than I would pay in the US, but totally worth it for a meal for my kid. Keep an eye out because they have them from time to time.
Kraft Mac & Cheese - I buy these off too. They hover around £2/box which is ridic, but again, not a bad price for a meal. Sometimes you can get them as low as £1.70 or so if you watch the stores. Do NOT get the frozen or add water ones they've started making in the UK recently...they are horrid!