WOAH You're going to MAKE one?! That's impressive! I would just want one for funsies so definitely wouldn't bother with even trying to make one lol! Maybe if I had my own business making tortillas that would be an awesome idea! Actually, that's a good idea I think, if I lived somewhere with an actual demand for it besides me hahaha!
Before moving here, I sure did tell my husband that if I didn't find a job, I'd be willing to be the taco or tamale lady on base hahahaha! Luckily, I have found a job because I don't think, in the area that we're at, there would be enough demand for it to make a profit.
Yeah, we converted some stables that came with our property to a workshop. I insisted, and my husband quickly learned to love the space and the toys

. We're going to try to make a prototype tortilla press this weekend after we finish up last weekend's electrifying project (installing electrics around the workshop so we won't have to drag the extension lead around to each tool), and I'll post a pic of it here.
I think that if you did make and sell tamales, the demand would come. Most people here don't want them because they've never had them. If they knew what they were missing, you'd get demand.