I've been stewing about this over my lunch and now I'm ready for a good old rant.
I can't believe the NHS would only value radiologists at £20k per year. That's barely minimum wage and perhaps not even a living wage. That's disgusting. And you wonder why the NHS needs radiologists?
This morning I heard a report about how the NHS was literally shut down by a ransomware attack over the summer. It didn't happen to many people or other companies because you were protected if you took the most basic precautions. It was an absolute failure of management, many of whom you can be sure are earning over £100k per year. This ransomware attack showed that not only were the computers neglectfully left vulnerable, but the operators had no idea what to do or who to call when it happened. Still, we are told that the real problem here is the Spanish radiologist with the funny accent working for minimum wage.
Mole, is there any other way you can get a fair wage for your skills? Can you work remotely for an American company? Work outside the NHS? Commute to Switzerland or Dubai? You may think the last one is a joke, but commuting costs are so high here that it is possible for people to commute to Zurich cheaper than London. Or at least it will be until Brexit...I feel another rant..,,