I know you would love the beer, even though it's not real ale of course. It's really well made Pilsner, usually available as 10 or 12 degrees. They'll also have a dark beer from the same brewery. You can ask for a half light/ half dark, but that word (saw or cut) in Czech has both the Z with a hat and the unpronounceable r with a hat. In short, you can't say it. You can mine it by pretending to cut a log .
My favourite custom is that every time your beer gets low, they bring you another without asking. If you don't want another, you put a coaster on top. If you are passed out, they top up your pint because you might need another when you wake up. If you fall down the stairs, they rush over with an emergency beer.
The only bad thing happening was the trend to hire a topless waitress on a random night. It was always massively embarrassing for everyone and usually she would be miserable and a bad waitress. Where do you look when ordering?