What's his problem! . Don't let that keep you, definitely ask the friend yourself!
The relationship is really one of doing favours back and forth, and my husband has been procrastinating a news update on their pub's website. My husband wants to get that done and re-forge the connection a bit (which needs re-forging since we moved away) before saying, "Oh, hey, can you give us all your details and be a referree for this citizenship app...?" I
kind of get it. But at the same time, they're friends. I think it's silly to put one the app off because of the website procrastination.
ETA: And, besides, my husband is in complete control of getting that update done! He could just DO THAT, and the problem is solved.
But it took him over a year to update his address after we moved, (he registered
two redirects because the first one expired!), so I struggled on correspondence for my ILR application. This procrastination thing is just who my husband is. I can't even complain, because in situations that are less important, I procrastinate, too. (But usually not when someone else is relying on me... I'm fine with letting myself down; I hate letting other people down.)