Ah, we are still recommending sending originals of EVERYTHING, along with copies as well... because there is contradictory advice on the UKVI and VFS websites. One says you must include originals AND copies, and the other says copies only. Also, one says everything must be on A4 size paper, one says everything must be on US-sized paper, and an email from UKVI says either paper size is fine!
The whole thing is a mess at the moment, so, until we know for sure, we are recommending sending both originals and copies.
I know but I just decided to do copies and send them in and that's why I did coloured copies.
My theory is that the scanning hubs are having a hard time scanning our originals because they all come in different size and shapes (and it's making the process not so efficient)
So this is just what I felt was best and I read extensively and decided to just go with the copies.
I don't know if you guys read from other groups but the scanning hubs
1. Scanning the originals and handing them back
2. Charging a convenience fee to make photocopies.
3. I also got the option to upload my documents but decided to send the copies .
Also on my biometrics letter it states under the items below list to send to scanning hub.
1. Your original passport
2. First page of Visa application form or checklist
3. Photocopies of resident card and all supporting document (unless you have used self upload, see below) which has a link to upload.
I decided to follow this instructions and also wrote this in my letter.
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