Teachers are more likely to get Covid-19 on their coffee break than in a classroom, England’s deputy chief medical officer has said.
Dr Jenny Harries said that the risk for teachers in schools is probably highest “between staff”.
Dr Harries said: “The transmission from younger children – when teachers are perhaps more likely to be closer to them – is much lower.
“Actually in the studies that have been done so far, the risk probably of transmission between staff, rather than to or from children, is the one that teachers perhaps should be focusing on – so it’s going off for a coffee break, you know, dropping your guard down.”
Speaking on BBC Breakfast, she added that the majority of cases in schools were from staff-to-staff interactions.
She added: “I think it’s really important to reassure teachers on that count, but also to encourage them. When it’s their coffee break and they get a well-earned rest in the day, to ensure that they maintain their social distancing, good hand-hygiene, all those sorts of things while they have their break because that does seem to be a risk factor.”