It's a love story,, but yet kinda a sci fi story too. Henry has some weird chromo genitic condition that makes him travel around into different times of his life. He's married to Clair, but actually met her the first time when she was 6 years old, and he was like 35 or something,, as he moves around in his lifetime, he meets up with her at different times and age of her life. She could be sitting there having dinner with him, and WHAM, he's disappeared, just his clothes are left,, and when he appears in another time, he could be any age at all, and with the memories of only up to that age. It's a little confusing, but it's all about how they deal with it. Very twisted writing angle, and so far, has alot fo poignant moments.
Will bring my copy to you when I come to Houston, once I finish it, will just sit and collect dust on my shelf,,lol.