I have one of those, they do work a treat. It is called a "Zerol" ice cream scoop. Maybe do a search by the manufacturer's name?
Thanks for the tip
I got my ice cream scoop from Pampered Chef. Didnt know it was mercury filled! I love it. Check out pampered chef UK on the net
THATS IT THATS IT!! Im sure the one our friends had was from the Pampered Chef.
My grandmother got me one of those after I helped the Danish Sisterhood make hundreds of the little things for their fundraiser. They are a pretty cheap purchase and something I'd bet you'd find on eBay. The one I have is cast iron and really nice, think gran got it off one of her Sisterhood friends for free.
My mom remembers her friend's mom had a cast iron one when she was a kid. I hear they cook to perfection (typical of cast iron tho). Since she got it for christmas she googled it and theyre everywhere
Best. Gadget. Ever. (First one on the page)
We just got ours back after being in our shipment for weeks. I love freshly ground pepper without having to do anything to get it! Talk about lazy!
I cant believe that I forgot these! They really are the best gadget ever -
battery powered salt and pepper grinders. And the bottom lights up when your griding so you can see how much you're putting on.
Something else I thought of that Im SURE we'll get someday soon is the
Aligator Onion Dicer which is this tool that opens like an aligator mouth... you shove the onion in and then close "the aligator mouth" and the blades (which look like a checker board) cut right through and dice the entire onion for you, perfectly, in one stroke. Gotta love it. You can get it from Amazon and Williams Sonoma.