I think transport in Edinburgh is better than other places - I'm not arguing that transport is bad here - I started this thread looking for advice and yes, help (Q-G I mean absolutely no disrespect to you whatsoever but if the word "coping" reminds you of psychobabble and someone who's read too many self-help books", I don't understand why you bothered a) to read the thread in the first instance and b) to comment on my issue when you already had negative conotations about the word. I can't imagine considering coping as psychobabble - what exactly DO people do when they're having a hard time dealing with something? ) I realize that not everyone has issues with public transport - I wasn't actually expecting to hear from people who wanted to tell me how strange it is to have this sort of problem - I was seeking advice as to what people do to cope with sitting on a bus for 2 and 1/2 hours every day (and nope, I don't take the 35 so I don't have to worry about that).
I certainly have "bigger" issues to deal with - but right now, at this particular point in my life, I have serious concerns with dealing with people who want to crank their iPods so loud and being completely concerned only with themselves and not caring what other people think (which is just a big ol form of insecurity and bullying) - and i think it strikes that cord in me becuase of the bullying issue.
I rode the buses in Baltimore and in NYC - and I've spent 1/2 my life in the Glasgow area - so I know it could be worse (though NYC kicks butt on its public transport and a lot of transport agencies could learn from it). But I know it could be better.
But this is a board - and this particular section is entitled grievances - so I though I'd have a go at - I had reservations when I put this on here
At any rate, I want to thank the folks who actually offered advice. It's been very encouraging and helpful.