Ever since the littles arrived, my husband and I have been like ships passing in the night. At first it was being new parents, but then as the little one came so quickly after her sister and was and still is a screamin' demon [we are still trying to figure out what's wrong with her], we have somewhat let our closeness go. We didn't outwardly miss it, I don't think, but we were missing it without knowing it. Usually when we get a break from the kids, it's either crash into a heap, or a mad rush to get things done that are too hard to do with them around. That sometimes includes binge watching things on Netflix.
But a couple of weeks ago I hired a babysitter for two consecutive days during the week because I felt like I was going to crack. I requested that she give me a day at home [take the kids out], and a day to go do things on my own. And in between I slept at the Korean Spa. I slept a lot, did a few chores, got my hair cut, ran a few errands, and read a large chunk of a book I'd bought for my kindle for the occasion. Even though I probably didn't get enough time, I was refreshed enough from it that when my Mama decided to take the kids for that weekend, I was rested enough to focus on my husband completely.
We both realized by Saturday night that it felt just like 'us before kids' for the first time since before I even got pregnant. We made a commitment right then and there to cuddle every night--no matter how tired we were--and to work hard to wrap up things before the kids go to my mama's next time so that we can spend more one on one time together and have no agenda again. It was so lovely and it just reminded me of how much we are still in love <3