Those sound good. I love almond so dangerous for me, but hubby loves it. Would you mind posting the recipe?
Sorry this has taken so long...
1/2 cup uns butter
1/2 cup icing sugar
1/4 cup cocoa
pinch salt
1tsp almond essence
Beat above together with mixer until well blended and crumbly. Put into greased tinfoil lined 13x9 pan. spread evenly into pan and prick w/fork. bake 20at 375F/gm5/190C.
to make topping
1/2 cup seedless raspberry jam
1 cup choc chips/chopped plain choc
1 1/2 cup ground almond
4 egg whites
pinch salt
1 cup packed caster sugar
1/2 tsp almond essence
1/2 cup flaked almonds
spread jam onto baked crust. Then sprinkle chocolate over. With mixer or food proc, process almonds, egg whites, salt, sugar and almond until well blended and foamy. pour over jam choc layer. Sprinkle with flaked almonnds and bake 20-25 minutes until top is golden and puffed. leave to cook on rack until firm. Cut and enjoy.
Hope it works for you!