Can I just say thank you to all of you who have answered questions for me and given me support? I've been so nervous about this, and I needed it for my work, so to pass on the first try has me higher than I can explain. I was really afraid and then a series of problems on the part of the DSA prior to the test didn't help those nerves.
I passed with only three minors, and the first two were the same stupid mistake (that I did twice) on a steep hill just as I left the driving centre. It was totally a case of my nerves getting the better of me. I thought my instructor's car was in first gear and stalled twice before I realized it was in third!
I still can't believe I did it--I've driven a manual for years and never stall. Problem was the hill, so I hurried back to the brakes immediately and prayed harder than I have ever prayed that he didn't think the car rolled back. I was the first car waiting for the signal to be green and ended up totally missing the signal, but I guess I still kept the car in control and didn't actually get dangerously in anyone's way, so it was okay. When I realized what I'd done, I was mortified--absolutely mortified! He had me turn the corner (onto another hill) and pull over. I took a moment to collect myself, and started fine on that hill. He chuckled when I started without the tiniest roll, and said "see, I can do it"" My only other minor was for being a bit squiggly as I finished my parallel park.
I actually managed to keep myself fairly calm (well, except for the exceptionally stupid moments when I couldn't get my car to start on a steep hill
Those were fighting panic down moments.) But from the moment after the examiner told me I passed I was shaking like a leaf! It was like all my nerves just let go after waiting all day. I made my instructor drive me back to my car, and didn't drive off for a while after that (went in a cafe for a coke before leaving). I'm still actually feeling a bit shaky now. Has anyone else had this experience?