Moggs and I would like to start a book club for those of us in the vicinity of London (and anyone else willing to travel to meet with us.)
For our first meeting, we have chosen the book
Brick Lane by Monica Ali. It has been out long enough to be in paperback or easy to get at the library. Here is a synopsis:
Monica Ali's gorgeous first novel is the deeply moving story of one woman, Nazneen, born in a Bangladeshi village and transported to London at age eighteen to enter into an arranged marriage. Already hailed by the London Observer as "one of the most significant British novelists of her generation," Ali has written a stunningly accomplished debut about one outsider's quest to find her voice.
We thought this would be a great book to start the club since, like some of us who will be participating in the group, Nazneen is a newcomer to England. It will give us a fantastic point to open our discussion session.
In order to give everyone time to find the book and read it, we have chosen Saturday, 1 March for our first group meeting. The meeting place and time has not yet been decided, as we thought it might be a good idea to see how many want to participate and where they are coming from first.
Looking forward to 1 March!