A family we knew many years ago, 15 actaully, in Singapore when the children were in baby groups have just moved from California to Manchester. They are stopping to see us just before Christmas on their way to Stanstead airport. I am really looking forward to seeing them all but I have a bit of a problem, their rather restrictive diets are just doing my head in. Mother and daughter are no problem but 17 year old son is the main problem. Here is the list of things he will eat: organic boneless, skinless chicken breast, trout, prawns, tofu, nuts, egg whites (will not eat anything that has an egg yolk cooked in), organic skim milk, organic nonfat yoghurt. So no cheese if he can avoid it. Now to make matter worse neither he nor dad will eat carbohydrates - break, pasta, potatoes, pulses, deserts. They will eat organic 70% cocoa solid chocolate but forget bananas - too high in sugar and grapes are completely out as no matter how much you wash them the pesticides stay on. I have also been told the son eats a lot, but I am wondering just what he eats a lot of. I need to make a meal that everybody is happy to eat, and because it's been so long since we have seen them I wanted to do something special. Does anybody have any ideas? I'd like to serve desert but I would feel bad producing something wonderful for the rest of us and just giving dad and son a sliced apple.