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Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?

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Topic: Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?  (Read 5209 times)

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Re: Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?
« Reply #30 on: December 26, 2008, 10:19:34 AM »
Yes! In a heartbeat, and I would leave the kid(s) at home too!!!

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Re: Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?
« Reply #31 on: December 27, 2008, 10:39:53 PM »
Yes.  I went to Scotland for a weekend with my best (male) friend last month...seeing my friend's sister's new baby wasn't top of Dan's list of priorities.  Also, I am going to Ireland in May for a week long pre-wedding bonding piss-up with my Dad. 

If Dan wanted to go somewhere on his own for a week I wouldn't mind.


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Re: Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?
« Reply #32 on: December 27, 2008, 11:20:32 PM »
I would, but my husband refuses to do so (or let me).  He says, "it's just wrong."  I doubt the situation would ever come up, mostly because neither of us have many close friends, but if it did I wouldn't mind at all.
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Re: Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?
« Reply #33 on: December 27, 2008, 11:30:39 PM »
Absolutely!  I have, and will do so again - in fact, next month I'm going to DC for the inauguration! 

Of course we love travelling together, but the fact that we have different friends and interests - as well as the fact that his job requires shift work and has set holidays that don't often collide with bank holidays or time that *I* can take off work

So does Tim! Who does your husband work for? Tim works for the railway.

Tim and I will probably do different holidays.  He LOVES trains, it's his work and his hobby (he has a garden railway) and he recently went on a 2 week train trip to Serbia just to look at old rusty steam engines.  Sorry, not my idea of a lovely holiday.  I'm sure we'll have at least one a year together, but I'm not about to stop him from doing what he loves, and I don't think he'd stop me from doing what I want (Cruising with my friends) as long as we can afford it!


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Re: Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?
« Reply #34 on: December 27, 2008, 11:33:04 PM »
I am a little disturbed at people being 'stopped' or 'not allowed' to do things by their husbands / partners... :-\\\\


Re: Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?
« Reply #35 on: December 27, 2008, 11:38:06 PM »
I go on holiday on my own all the time, my japan trip was with a friend, and I often go on weekend mini breaks to Milan or whatever with my friends.
I would like to go with DB but he wouldn't want to try shoes on in Milan or put a dress and heels on and go drink giant cocktails in NYC so I don't take him those places, he WOULD do those things with me because I enjoy it but he wouldn't enjoy it, so I would rather do it with my friends as they'd genuinely have fun.

I will definitely continue to have holidays with my friends :D  

DB lets me do whatever I want and I refuse to feel guilty for making my more money and being able to go away more than he can, it's just the way life is.
Yes I would have loved to take him with me to Japan, but he couldn't afford it and I couldn't afford both of us. He didn't want me to let something I really wanted to do slip through my fingers so I went and he stayed.

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Re: Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?
« Reply #36 on: December 28, 2008, 12:02:32 AM »
Tim and I will probably do different holidays.  He LOVES trains, it's his work and his hobby (he has a garden railway) and he recently went on a 2 week train trip to Serbia just to look at old rusty steam engines.  Sorry, not my idea of a lovely holiday. 

Ha, this made me laugh because my husband is a total train geek!  Loves old steam engines, does railway modelling as a hobby, and has an encyclopaedic knowledge of British railway history.  He keeps wanting to take me on a rail tour of Europe or on preserved railways...I'm not into trains really, but it sounds all right so we'll probably end up going on a true railway holiday together one day!
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Re: Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?
« Reply #37 on: December 28, 2008, 12:07:05 AM »
So does Tim! Who does your husband work for? Tim works for the railway.

DH is an electricity trader - his company provides trading cover 24/7/365, so someone is always on shift, and at least one fifth of the time it's DH. :)

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Re: Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?
« Reply #38 on: December 28, 2008, 01:05:47 AM »
Ha, this made me laugh because my husband is a total train geek!  Loves old steam engines, does railway modelling as a hobby, and has an encyclopaedic knowledge of British railway history.  He keeps wanting to take me on a rail tour of Europe or on preserved railways...I'm not into trains really, but it sounds all right so we'll probably end up going on a true railway holiday together one day!

hehe! Okay, I really think Tim could give your husband a run for his money on the British Railway History thing...show this to your hubby: hehe. Tomorrow he's dragging me along to a big garden railway thing called Frostbite, where everyone brings their engines and plays on this one guy's garden railway.  We've done the North Yorkshire Moors Railway, and the National Railway Museum so far, and I think we might be heading down to Wales before I go home to see the Narrow Gauge stuff (he's specifically into modeling 16mm).  Tim LOVES preserved railways....we should get them together ;).  I like trains, I do. My grandfather worked for the PA RR in the good ol' days, and I love taking the train places...it's just not as big of a thing for me as it is for Tim.  But I did tell him I'd love to do Europe by rail sometime.

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Re: Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?
« Reply #39 on: December 28, 2008, 01:48:42 AM »
I am a little disturbed at people being 'stopped' or 'not allowed' to do things by their husbands / partners... :-\\\\


That struck me as odd, too, Vicky. But, I guess if it works for them....
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Re: Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?
« Reply #40 on: December 28, 2008, 11:00:54 AM »
So does Tim! Who does your husband work for? Tim works for the railway.

Tim and I will probably do different holidays.  He LOVES trains, it's his work and his hobby (he has a garden railway) and he recently went on a 2 week train trip to Serbia just to look at old rusty steam engines.  Sorry, not my idea of a lovely holiday.  I'm sure we'll have at least one a year together, but I'm not about to stop him from doing what he loves, and I don't think he'd stop me from doing what I want (Cruising with my friends) as long as we can afford it!

Funny, I was thinking of this as an example of something I have done because of my husband's interests.  My husband has a website on steam trains, so I went with him to Pickering so he could photograph the steam train there. I never would have suggested, on my own, to go to Pickering to look at a train, but I had a good time and I learned stuff. 

That struck me as odd, too, Vicky. But, I guess if it works for them....

Me too.

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Re: Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?
« Reply #41 on: December 28, 2008, 04:20:28 PM »
Yes I would, and have.  :)

My Mom is an intrepid traveler and my Dad only goes to visit his siblings, or now his kids.  My Mom has traveled all over the world, mostly on her own and staying with friends, never on a tour.  Siberia, Japan...you name it.  It's my Mom's idea of heaven and my Dad's idea of hell, so she doesn't drag him along.  They go on a trip to see family together every year, and my Mom goes on a trip of her own almost every year.  It works for them.  They've been married 50 years.
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Re: Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?
« Reply #42 on: December 28, 2008, 05:49:51 PM »
Sure I would. To be honest, most of the time I'd rather go with my boyfriend, but sometimes it doesn't work out that way. For example, he'll go down to London for a few days to play a gig or something and I just don't feel like going, or if I go  visit a friend of mine.

I don't really understand what would be 'just wrong' about going on separate holidays--certainly you're separate individuals with your own interests, and no matter how well you get along or how much you have in common, sometimes it's nice just to do things because you feel like doing them, without having to run them by the other person.
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Re: Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?
« Reply #43 on: December 28, 2008, 06:06:41 PM »
Funny, I was thinking of this as an example of something I have done because of my husband's interests.  My husband has a website on steam trains, so I went with him to Pickering so he could photograph the steam train there. I never would have suggested, on my own, to go to Pickering to look at a train, but I had a good time and I learned stuff. 

Today we spent the entire day at one of his friend's houses running trains on the garden rail...something I wouldn't have done on my own, but I had a great time doing it!  We've done several train things, and I've honestly liked them all.  But there are also plenty of trips I wouldn't want to go on because if I'm in Vienna, I want to see castles and mountains, not rusty engines!

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Re: Would you go on holiday without your spouse/partner?
« Reply #44 on: December 28, 2008, 06:15:28 PM »
I spent 4 hours today standing on a pier in -6C temperatures fishing so i'm beginning to think I would have to take separate vacations if my husband wanted to go on an ice fishing holiday.

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