LMAO! And I thought the last-name that
I ended up having to endure because of my ex-husband was bad! BONER tops mine though, and what I have had to deal with. Oh, and Pebbles, I love that, "ex-husbeast"! That's just perfect to describe my ex-husband as well. I, too, married young and stupid the first time around.
~~sigh~~ Live and learn. Anyway, my ex-husband's last name is "Eff", pronounced just like the letter. I don't know how many times I have been asked about it. It seems like everywhere I go people want to know about it....or, worse, I've had to call up and make an appointment for something and get asked my name. First of all, for all too many people, I have to explain my FIRST name! 'Yes, Autumn....A-U-T-U-M-N! Just like the season!' I don't know how many people leave the N off my name.
Then my last name, "Eff". There is always a pause then, because they - of course - are waiting for me to SPELL the rest of my name! LOL, as if it started with F and it was really long and it needed to be spelled for them to get it right. Oh, it's been so annoying...... I guess, after the divorce, I should have taken my maiden name back. But, I had never particularly liked my maiden name (because of my father...I did not want to bear his name either)....so, I just kept the damn "Eff".
So, personally, I can't wait to take my Jamie's last name as my own. But, it has to do with more than just the fact that I won't have to put up with having "Eff" as a last name anymore. For me, it is a proud declaration that I belong to Jamie. That he loves me and wants me to be his forever. I can't wait to bear his name. I can't wait to sign my name to something. I can't wait to be asked what my name is so I can, with joy and pride, say, "Autumn Dawn