I used to think that canned pumpkin was better than fresh. But that was because I would boil or steam the pumpkin and it would make the pumpkin watery and rather bland. I couldn't find the canned pumpkin at Waitrose this weekend, and I had promised to bring a pumpkin pie to a church potluck.
So I bought fresh pumpkins and I roasted them. The only things I did differently from Pioneer woman is that I peeled the raw pumpkin with my vegetable peeler, (it gives the pumpkin more places to brown, which I think intensifies the flavour), I put some vegetable oil at the bottom of the pan to keep the pieces from sticking and I salted them a bit to help draw out the moisture. Then I used my stick blender to purée. It was a thick, dense and a deep rich orange purée. The pumpkin pies were the best I have ever made. (Just don't add any salt to the pie mixture though, as the salt from the roasting will be enough.)
Totally worth the effort it takes to roast them.