Had a great birthday week in Bruges, Belgium. Highly recommend it....tried plenty of wonderful beers but I think it spoiled me as I got home, had a 5% ale and thought it didn't taste too strong!
On Saturday though had another birthday session in Sheffield.....tried the latest outlet of Ossett Brewery's The Hop and very nice it was too.....their Hop Monster was very much like an American IPA.
On another note - went shopping to our local Tescos (not been in for a while) and they had Sam Adams, Blue Moon, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA, Goose Island Pale Ale and Brooklyn lager. Ranged from about £1.80 to £2.30 a bottle. I might get a selection for the NFL opening games. They also had big soft Philly-style pretzels which DW couldn't resist!