I agreed to be a bridesmaid for a friend getting married this fall and I'm already super dreading it and hating the whole thing. I said yes because I didn't really think I could say no and so I really need to give myself an attitude adjustment but I'm finding it hard to do. I'm super resenting having to buy an almost $200 dress in red (I HATE red, never wear it, looks awful with my skin tone and will never wear it again) although at least she's letting us pick our own style within the specific color, fabric and brand. I've spent the morning googling bridal shops in New York, trying to find one that doesn't have awful reviews on Yelp to get a look at these in person. But I'm dreading the whole trying on experience because they tend to only have one (small) size of a dress in each style and they will be way too small on me and I won't be able to get any idea what it will look like.
Her mom is throwing the shower, at least, but is asking us to plan games. Groan. I think that bridal shower games are an insult to grown women's intelligence. No one makes men play these infantile games! The only one I'm semi-ok with is the gift bingo one because it keeps people somewhat paying attention during the present opening. Although, really, I hate (bridal) showers and would love to never have to go to one again. Yes. I'm a curmudgeon. And not a very good girl.
I'd like to plan a fun bachelorette party (the only part of this I'm not super dreading) but honestly, I'm super broke right now and just generally not looking forward to shelling out as much cash as this wedding is going to involve (I know it could be much worse but the dress, two nights in a hotel (rehearsal dinner), the bachelorette, the shower gift, the wedding gift, miscellaneous things...)
She's not even close to being a bridezilla and I recognize that. I've never been a bridesmaid before and I probably won't be again (most of my close friends are married already and had small weddings and/or lots of sisters). And I know that I agreed to do this and need to find a way to do it joyfully. But ugh. Why don't people just go to City Hall and be done with it?