I was just about to make a post about my Tesco saga, saying that two days later I have had not a peep from Alan or the Tesco team in response to my angry letter, and it seemed my husband
would have to write them (getting him to do that would've been about as easy as getting KF's husband to sort out rebuilding a garden fence). But
as I was writing that update post, I received email from a different Customer Engagement agent...
Dear Kimberley*
Thank you for your recent email.
I am sincerely sorry for the further problems you have had however, I have today arranged for a refund to be processed.
I have also issued you a £5 gesture coupon which will be with you in the next 2 hours for you to use on your next online shop.
Again thank you for taking the time to contact me and if there is any more I can do please let me know and I will be more than happy to help.
Kind regards
Kim Anderson
Grocery Customer Service
Tesco Customer Engagement Centre
Result! I'm not 100% convinced that my own money back and a £5 voucher are enough to undo the damage they've done. But while we were trying to sort out how to deal with Tesco being dead to me, my husband and I decided we would do one monthly shop with whatever chain I could stomach, where I would buy all the dry goods, and then on my day with the car each week, I would shop locally for all of our fresh ingredients. I think we'll continue with that plan. Which means Tesco just lost a
lot of our business... possibly all of it. I need to cancel my Delivery Saver!
Man, I wish I lived near a Costco.