Yeah, on both.
Prep in the US for the colonoscopy was just drinking a very large amount of a nasty tasting liquid, and having it "flush" my system out. It worked. The "twilight sleep" did not - I felt quite a bit of pain and remember hearing them talking, and saying "oh, my, better give her some more" and then taking hours in recovery longer than I should have, etc.
On the Endoscopy, again had "twilight sleep" and the same happened. I didn't feel all of it, but woke up at one point in a terrible panic, with that horrible thing down my throat. More drugs. Not enough to cover the feeling when they started to remove it. Again, too many hours in recovery.
Unfortunately, I do remember quite a bit about the procedures. Or fortunately, as the case may be.
We do have stomach/gallbladder/colon cancer in one ancestral line of my family, but neither of my parents nor any of my siblings has had that, so I'm really not inclined to allow any further such tests for screening purposes - there are other ways to screen.