Thanks!! Hoping to have something good to report. Everybody seems to be finishing in under 5 minutes so the pressure is on hahaha
I went through the exam in 5 minutes, and was confident about all the questions I answered. I didn't know 3 of them, so flagged them. But the 21 I did answer I felt really good about and those were enough to pass the test.
Then, in an abundance of caution, I went back through the entire test a second time, reading all of the questions and my answers again to make sure I didn't let them trip me up with the language, and this time through I also guessed at the three flagged ones.
Then I went back and really
really tried to think about those three flagged ones. In the end, I had spent between 10 and 15 minutes in the exam room.
Heyday and larrabee are absolutely right: If you're getting 90-100% on those tests you were practicing, you'll be fine. Just read the questions carefully, because they did seem to be more about preventing people from relying on rote memorization. "Familiar" questions that are slightly re-worded, y'know? So just read carefully. Take your time.
BREATHE. Your knowledge is there. Just focus (drink an espresso before you go in?).